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Miguel de Unamuno (1864 – 1936)  

Spanish philosophical writer, of Basque descent, b. Bilbao

The chief Spanish philosopher of his time, he was professor of Greek at the Univ. of Salamanca and later rector there. His criticism of the monarchy and especially of the dictator Miguel Primo de Rivera caused his removal from the university in 1920 and his exile from Spain (1924–30), but with the establishment of the republic (1931), he was reinstated as rector. At first a supporter of the republic, he became critical of it and sided briefly (1936) with the rebels, only to rebuke them sharply just before his death. In his chief work, Del sentimiento trágico de la vida en los hombres y los pueblos (1913; Bollingen Series tr., The Tragic Sense of Life in Men and Nations, 1968), he expresses his highly individualistic philosophy—one of faith in faith itself, not in any affirmation or denial of faith. Other important volumes are La vida de don Quijote y Sancho (1905; Bollingen Series tr., Our Lord Don Quixote, 1958–59) and La Agonía del cristianismo (1925; Bollingen Series tr., The Agony of Christianity, 1973). His poetry, as serious as his essays, includes Poesías (1907), Rosario de sonetos líricos (1911), and El Cristo de Velázquez (1920). His novels also express his impassioned concern with life and death; they are Niebla (1914; tr. Mist, 1928), Tres novelas ejemplares y un prólogo (1920; tr. Three Exemplary Novels and a Prologue, 1930), and La tía Tula (1921). His complete works were published in Spanish in 1951–52.

ahula da behar adinako zalantza egin ez eta ondorioak atera nahi izan dituelako
ase eta zoriontsu direnek ez dute maitatzen; ohituran loak hartuta daude
ez da ezohikoa lapurretaren aurkako predikua egiten duten lapurrak topatzea
gizaki batek, ohean lo zerraldo dagoela, zerbait amesten duenean, zer da gehien existitzen dena, bera, amets egiten duen kontzienzia gisa ala bere ametsa?
gizakiek elkarri ez entzuteko egiten dute oihu
gurekin amets egiten duen norbait hiltzean, gure zati bat hiltzen da harekin batera
higuingarria da, zerbait jakinda, ezagutza hori besterenganatzeko ezer egiten ez duten horien espirituaren zekenkeria
hizkuntza ez da pentsamenduaren bilgarria, pentsamendua bera baizik
hizkuntzak, erlijioak bezalaxe, heresietatik bizi dira
intolerantziarik zitalena arrazoia deritzoten horrek sortutakoa da
moda, bestela esanda, aldaketaren monotonia
nire erlijioa bizitzan egia eta egian bizitza bilatzea da
norbanakoaren zein herri baten balentriarik behinena irrigarri geratzeari aurre egiten jakitea da
ontasunez egindako ekintza oro botere-erakustaldi bat da
sinestea sortzea da
zer da mundu erreala guztiok dugun ametsa baino...? amets komuna baino?
zientzia ideia hilen kanposantua da
zoriontsu ez izatearen abantailetako bat, zoriona desiratu ahal izatean datza